Stafford Hospital, P21+
Project name: Stafford Hospital, New Endoscopy & Decontamination Areas
M&E Order Value: £1.2 million
Consultant: WSP UK
Working for the client, Mid Staffordshire NHS Hospital and main contractor Miller Construction, Dodd Group have recently completed the M&E services which serve the New Endoscopy and Decontamination Areas at Stafford Hospital, including the electrical installation to the New Endoscopy Rooms 1 to 4, install of a new IPS/UPS System and Earth Reference Boxes in each of the Endoscopy rooms, steam to LPHW within existing plantroom 6, Reverse Osmosis services to level 2 existing plant room were provided and new chiller plant and installation to the existing hospital roof areas.
Dodd Group overcame many challenges associated with working in a live hospital environment, including:
Out of hours working to install new SWA mains electrical cables through the existing hospital ceilings plus live break-ins to the existing site infrastructure for all mechanical services.
Due to site constraints storage was at a minimum, hence just in time deliveries and close working with our supply chain was required to ensure continued production on site.
The new 2.8 Tonne Chillers were craned over the existing live hospital with very limited access.