Victory Housing Trust

Victory Housing Trust

As one of three successful contractors appointed to Eastern Procurement Limited's Heating Installations Framework, Dodd Group was awarded a direct call-off contract with Victory Housing Trust for the installation of 200 air source heat pumps in April 2016.

Covering domestic properties across Norfolk, Great Yarmouth and King's Lynn, work activities include the removal of existing solid fuel, oil and storage heating appliances, before installing Mitsubishi air source heat pumps and pre-plumbed cylinders.

On a recent project for the Glaven Centre in Norflok, we supplied and installed:
- 2 x 14kw Mitsubishi Ecodan coastal air source heat pump units, complete with energy monitoring
- 2 x 300 litre pre-plumbed cyclinders with additional buffer vessels and primary circulating pumps
- 22 x radiators within a two zone heating system
- 2 x convector heaters
- Brick bay area to house external heat pumps
- Double airing cupboard to house two cyclinders

Key Performance Indicators: As of April 2017, we are achieving the following results:
- Customer Satisfaction: 100%
- Average rate of Customer Satisfaction forms returned: 83%
- Adherence to Programme: 100%
- Waste segregated and recyled: 98%

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